Implemented decisions, national ideas and events.−0.5 for owning an unlawful imperial territory.−1.0 if the target of Sow Discontent covert action.+0.005 for each point of Power projection.−1.0 for each point of negative stability to a maximum of −3.+1.0 if the government is a constitutional monarchy.−2.0 by having a regency council in power.

The following shown examples are calculated yearly. Passive modifiers are not dependent on player action, instead they rely on existing variables.
#Eu4 extended timeline wiki persia install#
Pretender rebels, if they enforce their demands, will install a new ruler with strong claim, thus increasing legitimacy.Legitimacy upon succession will be the claim strength assigned to the heir legitimacy of the previous ruler is not counted. Depending on the claim strength of the heir, may legitimacy become low, if weak, medium, if average, or high, if strong, upon succession to the throne. Catholics can spend 50 Papal Influence to increase legitimacy by +1.0 per year for 20 years. Sometimes there appear events that can either increase or decrease legitimacy. These usually give a small, one-time decrease to legitimacy, particularly if the royal match comes from a less powerful realm. There are two main ways for legitimacy to either increase or decrease, these are called active and passive modifiers.Īctive modifiers are those that are dependent on the players actions. affects true faith, heretic and heathen religious tolerance. The effects of legitimacy scale linearly from the worst at 0 to the best at 100: the "Seek Support of the Clergy" clergy estate interaction) do not affect legitimacy in a junior partner.

Effects that would increase or decrease legitimacy (e.g. Junior partners in a personal union share their overlord's legitimacy. With the Mandate of Heaven expansion, the Emperor of China doesn't use legitimacy. Legitimacy is a rating for how legitimate the ruling monarch is perceived to be by the general population. Please help with verifying or updating this section.